Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme posted by The Broke and the Bookish. A new top ten question is posed every week. I encourage you to start your own Top Ten Tuesday list. This week:

Top Ten Rebels In Literature (characters or authors)
Those people who stood up for what they believed in despite the cost of doing so.

1. Harry Potter - The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Ok, so this is partly because the final movie is next week, but really he is one of the biggest rebels in literature. He went against the Ministry of Magic to destroy an evil they didn't believe existed anymore.

2. Dumbledore - The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Where there is a Harry Potter rebel there is a Dumbledore rebel. He risked his position as Headmaster, getting sent away and replaced by the Ministry for supporting Harry. He risked his life to protect him and the wizarding world. And we come to realize he was a rebel even as a young adult.

3. Rose - The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead
Rose is one of the biggest rebels there ever was. She drops out of school to protect her best friend, ignores any and all school rules, drops out of school again to hunt down someone special, ignores any and all Court rules, breaks someone out of jail, breaks herself out of jail, you name it she's done it.

4. Tris - The Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth
Tris makes a choice that could and does change her entire life. In the process she has to hide who she really is because the secret about her is that she is designed to be a rebel by nature. And in the end she follows her rebel nature to its limits.

5. Claire - The Morganville series by Rachel Caine
She rebels against the vampire race, facing them down even when she's told not to. She tries to save them, but ends up challenging other vampires in the process. And she rebels against her own housemates when they try to keep her locked away in the house when she'd rather be out facing the world and taking everything as it comes.

6. Shane -
The Morganville series by Rachel Caine
He rebels against the vampire race too, but as a hunter. His dad trained him to be a mole for insider knowledge to hunt them. But when his dad returns, he has to put that rebel nature behind him to rebel against his father to save his own life as well as the lives of the ones he loves.

7. Cassia - The Matched trilogy by Ally Condie
As she begins to learn the truth about the Society that she's grown up in and under the control of, she realizes that what she wants and what she believes in is something entirely different and she's willing to fight for that even if it means leaving everything behind and risking her life.

8. Alex - Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
He turns his back on his gang to be with the girl he's falling for and to protect his little brothers from meeting the same fate as him. He loses people he loves as the gang life dictates. And eventually he rebels entirely against the gang when he chooses to leave it and gets jumped out brutally.

9. Frankie - The Monster High series by Lisi Harrison
She only has a month of life behind her while her friends have years, but she doesn't want to hide who she really is behind normie makeup and doesn't want her friends to hide either. She wants equality between normies and RADs (monsters). While she doesn't exactly succeed in her attempts, she isn't entirely failing either. It's just a continuing pile of drama as she rebels and convinces others to rebel with her one-by-one.

10. Percy - The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
Rebel against the gods? Always. He rebels against his father for "abandoning" him. He rebels against Zeus for believing him to be a thief. He rebels against Camp Halfblood when they tell him he can't leave camp and he knows he's the only one that can do the quest no matter what they say. He knows what he has to do and learns what he's capable of in the process and doesn't let anyone hold him back.

I like rebels. I think that's why dystopian societies are starting to grow on me because they are full of rebels. Rebels make books more fun! And I try to be a rebel in my own right every day!


  1. Great list. I love that you included Claire. I am a new follower. :)

    Reading Lark's Top 10

  2. Love your list! Love that you also included Percy in yours (I did as well) - love him! Also Alex from Perfect Chemistry is a great choice I didn't think of him!

    Come check out mine if you have time :) Happy reading!

    Amy @ Turn the Page

  3. I'm very curious about the current abundance of rebels in contemporary young adult fiction. I wonder where that strong desire for the Rebel as a character comes from....Intriguing.

    Here's my attempt to pick my favorite literary device. Also, I'd like to invite you to throw your name into the hat for a $25 Amazon gift certificate in Readerbuzz's July Giveaway!It's international!
