Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011, I wanna be a full-time writer in 2012!

As the last day of 2011, I have finished compiling my list of 2011 reads. With this list I've learned a lot of things about my reading. For instance...

I read 32 books this year. Really that isn't a lot and I wish it was more. However...

17 of my 32 books read were in the summer alone. That's a book a day. Awesome!

My first finished book of the year was the last book of the Vampire Academy series.
My last finished book of the year was the first book of the Vampire Academy spin-off.
Now, tell me that isn't cool! It totally wasn't planned that way.

I surprisingly read a lot of books I didn't want to, or wouldn't have on my own.
Some were for a children's literature class my spring semester.
Some were from recommendations I trusted, even if I didn't believe it.
And one was a professor recommendation.

While The Catcher in the Rye is my all-time favorite book of the classics, this year I have found my all-time favorite book period: Divergent by Veronica Roth.

And most importantly of all, I learned inspiration from all these authors. This year has made me want to write even more than I already did. And starting Jan 1, I plan to write every single day towards one of my planned novels in hopes that by this time next year I will have a manuscript ready for revisions.

So I'll see you next year bloggers! Have a happy and healthy New Year and best wishes to all!!

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