City of Glass (Mortal Instruments #3) by Cassandra Clare ☆☆☆☆☆
This series is just getting even better for me. I really liked this book for the ways in which the characters surprised me. I especially loved how the characters revealed themselves in no holds barred scenarios. There were things that everyone seemed to be holding back, and amidst those things were what held them up.
One interesting thing I found myself realizing after reading is that I credited Valentine with a lot more depravity than he was guilty for, but at the same time, he was guilty of a lot more depravity than I anticipated as well. And despite those depravities, I'm still not sure how I feel about him. In some ways I feel sorry for him. And I know it's the best way he could have been written, because it's easy to hate the bad guy, it's harder to doubt your hate.
My only possible complaint after reading is that things seemed a little too neat and tidy at the end. And while that's never necessarily a good way to end a story, I do appreciate snippets of what I expect will unravel those tidy endings in the next book. I love those subtle details. There were just enough of them throughout the book to let me in on what was going on before the characters figured it out, while still allowing me to enjoy it as the characters figured things out. And sometimes I did get surprised by things. But it was good to see those subtle details in the end that make me question things still.
The only other thing I can really say about this particular book is that I had to break out the Google Translate on my phone for the Romanian. It was the one time in this series that there was not a direct translation contained, or any context clues to figure out what was said (such as there were with Latin quotes often repeated by the characters and roughly explaining the meanings rather than translating). Though looking it up was fun and gave a great new element to the story. I can definitely say I was better off knowing what was said and I kind of wish that translation would have been included in some way.
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