Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Arrangement 9 by H.M. Ward

The Arrangement 9 (Arrangement series) by H.M. Ward ☆☆☆☆

As sexy as these covers have been, I've realized that none of them have anything to do with what is in each segment. Not a single one matches any scene. And honestly, the guy doesn't even resemble how Sean is described. Still nice to look at on my Kindle carousel though.

I've also come to the conclusion that if I wasn't borrowing these then I would have given up on them long ago. I've noticed from several Goodreads reviews that most people gave it up early because of the cost. These segments are only 121 pages each and cost as much as a full length ebook. Not worth the cost. Especially when each ends with a major cliffhanger! This one was no exception, but now I actually have to wait for the next one to come out before I can borrow it.

So one thing to notice is that this segment dropped a star compared to the rest. I'll admit that this series doesn't have the best writing, but it sucks me in. And usually it's that alone that attributes to my star count. I can look over writing problems when I can adequately lose myself in the story and the characters. This segment halted me though. I just couldn't get over what was happening in this one.

As much as I loved Mel in the jewelry store, their reason for being their irked me. I'm all for women's equality, just seemed to forced to me. And regarding after that...Avery is effing stupid. I mean, she's always been, but I think she topped herself in levels of stupidity. I still love this story and will continue borrowing the segments as they come out, but my love of it is waning a little with these characters altering their norm too much. I guess I'll have to wait awhile for the next one to come out now. Sucks when you catch up in a series and have to play the waiting game.

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